Six Websites To Supplement Your Studies

We all wish studying could be easier, and believe it or not, in today’s world, you’re probably doing it wrong by not taking advantage of the many novel and useful resources there are out there. These save you tons of time, energy, and sometimes money in your quest for knowledge and credentials.


This site is incredibly useful in so many ways. It is basically used to map things out, things such as all of your notes, and interconnect them in order to make better sense of them and use them more effectively. It also includes tools such as flashcards, quizzes, a study planner, and even group tools for seamless collaboration on group projects.


If you have to learn a second language for any reason (this is getting more and more common in today’s interconnected world), you know that there are many options, but most of the traditional ones are pre-packaged courses that test you but really don’t hit on all levels. That’s why Verbling connects you with affordable language instructors all over the world who are native speakers of your target language. This method allows you to learn to speak the other language much more fluently and naturally.

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Say goodbye to mental exhaustion while you try and connect and correlate all your citations and references properly. EasyBib is an application available on Android that allows you to simply scan the barcode of the book or other material you are using as a reference. From there you and export it to wherever it is needed and incorporate it into one or more of your documents, no mess, no problems.


Evernote is the backbone of a great study strategy, and will help with all the other apps we have on here. It installs onto any computer, tablet or smart phone and allows you to coordinate your note-taking in ways you would never have dreamed possible. Syncing is automatic, and this means collating your notes becomes a breeze.

Marinara Timer

This one actually started out as a timer for making perfect pasta for your marinara sauce, but it has evolved into one of the coolest study tools out there.

Research has shown that studying is actually best done in 25 minute bursts (thank you Ms. Montessori), and the Marinara Timer allows you to do just that, advising you on how to cycle your activities for maximum retention and/or productivity, with frequent well-earned breaks.

Last but not least, there is this website, which is a link to various free or very cheap online resources for supplemental learning which may just prove to be invaluable on our current course.

We hope that you find these valuable tools as useful as we have. True learning should be a lifelong path, and with these tools it becomes that much easier and more powerful.

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