2022 Beauty Trends in Cosmetic Enhancement

Although there is a long way to go, we are; finally, we are seeing some diversity on our screens. Thank you rise of streaming TV services and a (somewhat) more inclusive agenda from Hollywood! However, ageism is still rife, where youth is power and beauty. There is an ever-increasing demand for cosmetic medicine and its associated procedures to help us look slimmer, younger, and more desirable. 

So, what’s the latest in aesthetic enhancement these days? Today we look at the beauty trends of 2022 and how we’re adapting them for everyday living and appeal. 


Lip fillers have come so far, thank goodness. No more trout pouts unless that’s the look you want. Today’s lip enhancements are far more subtle and natural-looking. This is provided you engage the services of someone who can deliver you the style you want. With Botox or Dysport leading the way in terms of injectables, these are used to add volume to both the upper and lower lips through strategically placed injections. 

A lip flip procedure is also favored by those who have a disappearing top lip, especially when smiling. Thousands of women will agree that a small amount of swelling and bruising is well worth it. Some specialist clinics will also combine a lipo procedure (from hips, tummy or thighs, etc.) and harvest this fat into your face. It might sound a little bizarre, but being fat, your body tolerates it better, and for many people, it’s longer-lasting than chemical fillers – for some, the fullness can be permanent!


Whatever the fashion, a defined and shapely jaw, is always in style. Whether male or female, we are seeing rising rates of double chin removal, significantly as excess or simply drooping skin in this area can add to aging and the appearance of excess weight. Sculpting the jaw might also involve some liposuction, but given that the results are permanent, many people agree it is well worth it, given that one’s face is always on show. Some people are also candidates for fat dissolving injections, which are even quicker than lipo in this area, making it more cost-effective and still permanent.

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Thank goodness the pencil-thin look is quite dead in the water. There is a booming market in eyebrow (and eyelash) grow serums for those trying to make up for the early 2000s over-plucking fiasco. Although the total and busy look of the 80s is not having a renaissance, a filled and sculpted shape is. 

Forget dying or the painted-on look; the staple brow tool for today’s young professionals is to have them microblade or microfeathered. This procedure is a type of natural brow tattoo (either partial or complete) that adopts a feathering technique. Prep can be tedious as you need to grow your brows out several weeks prior. But this is so that the best shape for your face can be determined at the first appointment – but it’s worth it to avoid having to pencil them in every day.

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